In a previous post, we glimpsed briefly at creating and manipulating Spark dataframes from CSV files. In the couple of months since, Spark has already gone from version 1.3.0 to 1.5, with more than 100 built-in functions introduced in Spark 1.5 alone; so, we thought it is a good time for revisiting the subject, this time also utilizing the external package spark-csv, provided by Databricks. We’ll use the same CSV file with header as in the previous post, which you can download here.
In order to include the spark-csv package, we must start pyspark with the folowing argument:
$ pyspark --packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.10:1.2.0
If this is the first time we use it, Spark will download the package from Databricks’ repository, and it will be subsequently available for inclusion in future sessions. So, after the numerous INFO messages, we get the welcome screen, and we proceed to import the necessary modules:
Welcome to ____ __ / __/__ ___ _____/ /__ _\ \/ _ \/ _ `/ __/ '_/ /__ / .__/\_,_/_/ /_/\_\ version 1.5.0 /_/ Using Python version 2.7.6 (default, Mar 22 2014 22:59:38) SparkContext available as sc, HiveContext available as sqlContext. >>> from pyspark.sql import SQLContext >>> from pyspark.sql.types import * >>> sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
Automatic schema extraction
Since Spark 1.4, a new (and still experimental) interface class pyspark.sql.DataFrameReader has been introduced, specifically for loading dataframes from external storage systems. The syntax shown in the spark-csv provided examples for loading a CSV file is:
>>> df ='com.databricks.spark.csv').options(header='true').load('file:///home/vagrant/data/nyctaxisub.csv')
However, we found this syntax rather complicated and unintuitive; and despite the sparsity of the relevant documentation, we were able to use the following, much clearer syntax, where we have also set the flag for inferring the schema (which slows down the process, as it requires one extra pass over the data, and is false by default):
>>> df ='file:///home/vagrant/data/nyctaxisub.csv', format='com.databricks.spark.csv', header='true', inferSchema='true') >>> df.count() 249999
Recall from the previous post that our CSV file has 250,000 rows, including the header; hence, our record count is indeed correct.
Let’s check how successful was the automatic schema extraction:
>>> df.dtypes [('_id', 'string'), ('_rev', 'string'), ('dropoff_datetime', 'string'), ('dropoff_latitude', 'double'), ('dropoff_longitude', 'double'), ('hack_license', 'string'), ('medallion', 'string'), ('passenger_count', 'int'), ('pickup_datetime', 'string'), ('pickup_latitude', 'double'), ('pickup_longitude', 'double'), ('rate_code', 'int'), ('store_and_fwd_flag', 'string'), ('trip_distance', 'double'), ('trip_time_in_secs', 'int'), ('vendor_id', 'string')]
Well, not bad at all! It seems that, apart from the two datetime columns, all other column types have been recognized correctly.
We are already a long way since the previous post: recall that there, we had to prepare the schema (column headers and types) of our dataframe using a long (and possibly error-prone) “manual” chain of .map
operations in the initial RDD, including special parse settings for each column, and without any handy reference to the column names (which had to be manipulated separately). And there are more good news: although we still have some columns with incorrect data types, there is now a much more straightforward and easier way for such operations, directly on the newly created dataframe (instead of the “raw” RDD). In the following snippet, we will use the pyspark.sql.DataFrame class methods withColumn
and withColumnRenamed
in order to:
- Correctly set the types for the two datetime columns
- Rename the first two columns, by removing the annoying leading underscores
- Rename also the longitude/latitude columns to long/lat, for brevity:
>>> df = (df.withColumn('dropoff_datetime', df.dropoff_datetime.cast('timestamp')) .withColumn('pickup_datetime', df.pickup_datetime.cast('timestamp')) .withColumnRenamed('_id', 'id') .withColumnRenamed('_rev', 'rev') .withColumnRenamed('dropoff_latitude', 'dropoff_lat') .withColumnRenamed('dropoff_longitude', 'dropoff_long') .withColumnRenamed('pickup_latitude', 'pickup_lat') .withColumnRenamed('pickup_longitude', 'pickup_long')) >>> df.dtypes [('id', 'string'), ('rev', 'string'), ('dropoff_datetime', 'timestamp'), ('dropoff_lat', 'double'), ('dropoff_long', 'double'), ('hack_license', 'string'), ('medallion', 'string'), ('passenger_count', 'int'), ('pickup_datetime', 'timestamp'), ('pickup_lat', 'double'), ('pickup_long', 'double'), ('rate_code', 'int'), ('store_and_fwd_flag', 'string'), ('trip_distance', 'double'), ('trip_time_in_secs', 'int'), ('vendor_id', 'string')]
Neat summary statistics
One of the new Spark SQL functions introduced in version 1.3.1 was describe()
, providing a quick summary of the dataframe numeric columns. Let’s try it here:
>>> df.describe().show() +-------+------------------+------------------+------------------+-----------------+------------------+-------------------+-----------------+-----------------+ |summary| dropoff_lat| dropoff_long| passenger_count| pickup_lat| pickup_long| rate_code| trip_distance|trip_time_in_secs| +-------+------------------+------------------+------------------+-----------------+------------------+-------------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | count| 249999| 249999| 249999| 249999| 249999| 249999| 249999| 249999| | mean| 39.94324114547672| -72.5620767207705|1.7390429561718246|39.98826507731672|-72.57300293825547| 1.0568522274089096|4.790398561594238|1319.435301741207| | stddev|12.606727776625927|11.520652216641365|1.4045560098412289|5.520016838901558|10.065188912895966|0.30606569862073096|4.248816817765342| 672.14462665616| | min| -3481.1343| -1814.2775| 0| 0.0| -98.150002| 0| 0.0| 751| | max| 404.95761| 2084.3| 6| 73.989571| 0.0| 6| 86.3| 10680| +-------+------------------+------------------+------------------+-----------------+------------------+-------------------+-----------------+-----------------+
Although the function is definitely a welcome addition, especially for exploratory data analysis, the output definitely feels cluttered, due to the unnecessary high precision displayed, even for integer-type columns (passenger_count and trip_time_in_secs). Could we have it in a more concise form?
It turns out that the output of df.describe()
is itself a Spark dataframe with string-type columns:
>>> type(df.describe()) pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame >>> df.describe().dtypes [('summary', 'string'), ('dropoff_lat', 'string'), ('dropoff_long', 'string'), ('passenger_count', 'string'), ('pickup_lat', 'string'), ('pickup_long', 'string'), ('rate_code', 'string'), ('trip_distance', 'string'), ('trip_time_in_secs', 'string')]
Moreover, it is by definition a small Spark dataframe, i.e. one that we can safely convert to pandas format and manipulate further as we wish, without fearing that it may not fit in the main memory.
Given the above, and keeping in mind that we only want to intervene on the mean and stddev fields of the summary description, it is not difficult to come up with a simple function providing a prettier summary:
def prettySummary(df): """ Neat summary statistics of a Spark dataframe Args: pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame (df): input dataframe Returns: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame: a pandas dataframe with the summary statistics of df """ import pandas as pd temp = df.describe().toPandas() temp.iloc[1:3,1:] = temp.iloc[1:3,1:].convert_objects(convert_numeric=True) pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.2f}'.format return temp
>>> prettySummary(df) summary dropoff_lat dropoff_long passenger_count pickup_lat pickup_long \ 0 count 249999 249999 249999 249999 249999 1 mean 39.94 -72.56 1.74 39.99 -72.57 2 stddev 12.61 11.52 1.40 5.52 10.07 3 min -3481.1343 -1814.2775 0 0.0 -98.150002 4 max 404.95761 2084.3 6 73.989571 0.0 rate_code trip_distance trip_time_in_secs 0 249999 249999 249999 1 1.06 4.79 1,319.44 2 0.31 4.25 672.14 3 0 0.0 751 4 6 86.3 10680
From the summary statistics displayed it is apparent already that we have a data quality issue, as the min and max values for several columns are obviously unrealistic (and we have not even touched the non-numeric variables yet!).
Elementary data exploration
We can explore further roughly how many records exist with unrealistic values, for example:
>>> df.filter(df.dropoff_lat < 0).count() 3 >>> df.filter(df.dropoff_lat < 10).count() 4715 >>> df.filter(df.trip_distance == 0.0).count() 290 >>> df.filter(df.dropoff_long > -50).count() 4751
Although not apparent from the documentation, numeric column indices work, too; here is trip_distance (column #13):
>>> df.filter(df[13] == 0.0).count() 290
As a result of an issue we raised recently, expressions like the following will not work from Spark 1.4.1 on:
>>> df.filter(df.dropoff_lat < 10 and df.dropoff_long > -50).count() [...] ValueError: Cannot convert column into bool: please use '&' for 'and', '|' for 'or', '~' for 'not' when building DataFrame boolean expressions.
The error message guides us to use & instead of and, but this simple replacement will again lead to a different error (not shown); it turns out that we also need to use an extra set of parentheses around our conditions:
>>> df.filter( (df.dropoff_lat < 10) & (df.dropoff_long > -50) ).count() 4710 >>> df.filter(df.dropoff_lat < 10).filter(df.dropoff_long > -50).count() # confirm the above result 4710
Max and min column values can be computed for timestamp data, too:
>>> from pyspark.sql.functions import * >>>"pickup_datetime")).show() +--------------------+ |max(pickup_datetime)| +--------------------+ |2013-11-26 23:46:...| +--------------------+ >>>"dropoff_datetime")).show() +---------------------+ |max(dropoff_datetime)| +---------------------+ | 2013-11-26 23:59:...| +---------------------+ >>>"pickup_datetime")).show() +--------------------+ |min(pickup_datetime)| +--------------------+ |2013-01-10 21:27:...| +--------------------+ >>>"dropoff_datetime")).show() +---------------------+ |min(dropoff_datetime)| +---------------------+ | 2013-01-11 00:00:...| +---------------------+
Knowing that our data are between January and December 2013, the above values indicate that, apart from having no records for December, the max/min limits for our timestamp columns look OK.
Let’s do another data quality check: we expect that, in each record, pickup_datetime should be strictly less than dropoff_datetime. To check if this is the case, we will first create a new boolean column, pickup_1st, based on the two datetime columns (creating new columns from existing ones in Spark dataframes is a frequently raised question – see Patrick’s comment in our previous post); then, we will check in how many records this is false (i.e. dropoff seems to happen before pickup). And although not necessary, we will also grab the opportunity to demonstrate how to create a new dataframe from selected columns of an existing one. So, our steps will be:
- Create a new dataframe, df_dates, consisting only from the datetime columns of the existing one, using
- Create a new boolean column in the df_dates dataframe, using
- Check in how many records this boolean column is False, indicating a data quality issue:
>>> df_dates =['pickup_datetime'], df['dropoff_datetime']) >>>, truncate=False) +---------------------+---------------------+ |pickup_datetime |dropoff_datetime | +---------------------+---------------------+ |2013-01-11 21:48:00.0|2013-01-11 22:03:00.0| |2013-01-11 04:07:00.0|2013-01-11 04:28:00.0| |2013-01-11 21:46:00.0|2013-01-11 22:02:00.0| |2013-01-11 09:44:00.0|2013-01-11 10:03:00.0| |2013-01-11 21:48:00.0|2013-01-11 22:02:00.0| +---------------------+---------------------+ only showing top 5 rows >>> df_dates = df_dates.withColumn('pickup_1st', df_dates.pickup_datetime < df_dates.dropoff_datetime) >>> df_dates.filter(~df_dates.pickup_1st).count() # '~' for 'not' 0
That is, we indeed have no records with this data quality issue.
We wouldn’t like to close this post without mentioning, however briefly, at least one of the new Spark SQL functions introduced in version 1.5; so, let’s demonstrate quickly the month()
function, which extracts the month of a given date as an integer (a whole bunch of functions were introduced in Spark 1.5 to handle datetime data); here we will use it in conjunction with the groupBy()
function, in order to get the number of records per month:
>>> df.groupBy(month(df.dropoff_datetime)).count().show() +-----------------------+-----+ |month(dropoff_datetime)|count| +-----------------------+-----+ | 1|91075| | 2|64917| | 11|94007| +-----------------------+-----+
Well, it certainly seems that the advertised description of our data was not exactly accurate: in fact, we only have data for three months (January, February, and November) of 2013…!
A note on show()
versus collect()
Dataframe method show()
, introduced in Spark 1.3, is meant to be used in an interactive fashion; we cannot use it if we want to extract the value programmatically (e.g. in order to use it further downstream in an automated pipeline), as it returns a value of type None:
>>> type("pickup_datetime")).show() ) +--------------------+ |max(pickup_datetime)| +--------------------+ |2013-11-26 23:46:...| +--------------------+ <type 'NoneType'>
In order to store and use the returned value programmatically, we have to use the dataframe method collect()
, which returns all the records as a list of type Row:
>>>"pickup_datetime")).collect() [Row(max(pickup_datetime)=datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 26, 23, 46, 38))] >>> type("pickup_datetime")).collect()) <type 'list'>
Now, since we have an 1-element list of an 1-element Row, we can simply get the first (and only) element, as we would do for any similar situation in pure Python:
>>> max_pickup ="pickup_datetime")).collect()[0][0] >>> max_pickup datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 26, 23, 46, 38) >>> from datetime import * >>> max_pickup < datetime(2013,12,31) # is it before end of year 2013? True
Perhaps not unexpectedly, the same exact situation holds also for the SQL-like interface (remember that table and column names are case-sensitive):
>>> df.registerTempTable("taxi") >>> sqlContext.sql("SELECT vendor_id, COUNT(*) FROM taxi GROUP BY vendor_id ").show() +---------+------+ |vendor_id| _c1| +---------+------+ | CMT|114387| | VTS|135612| +---------+------+ >>> sqlContext.sql("SELECT vendor_id, COUNT(*) FROM taxi GROUP BY vendor_id ").collect() [Row(vendor_id=u'CMT', _c1=114387), Row(vendor_id=u'VTS', _c1=135612)] >>> type( sqlContext.sql("SELECT vendor_id, COUNT(*) FROM taxi GROUP BY vendor_id ").collect() ) <type 'list'> >>> sqlContext.sql("SELECT vendor_id, COUNT(*) FROM taxi GROUP BY vendor_id ").withColumnRenamed('_c1', 'count').show() +---------+------+ |vendor_id| count| +---------+------+ | CMT|114387| | VTS|135612| +---------+------+
where the last command shows how methods like withColumnRenamed
can be used in this context, too.
Summarizing, we have touched on several things in this post regarding Spark dataframes; we have demonstrated how to:
- Automatically extract (part of) the schema of a CSV file using the spark-csv package
- Change the data type of selected columns
- Rename selected columns
- Create a more concise summary of a dataframe
- Create a new dataframe from selected columns of an existing one
- Create new columns in a dataframe, based on the existing ones
- Extract summary statistics programmatically
As always, comments and feedback most welcome. Stay tuned as we will continue our Spark exploration.
- Streaming data from Raspberry Pi to Oracle NoSQL via Node-RED - February 13, 2017
- Dynamically switch Keras backend in Jupyter notebooks - January 10, 2017
- sparklyr: a test drive on YARN - November 7, 2016
Thank you for your nice blog! I really enjoy this kind of hands-on practical information.
The reason for needing parentheses for compound comparisons within filter operations is operator precedence. This is familiar from pandas, which has the same syntax and hence we run into the same issue there. When you use a bitwise \’&\’ to combine `a > b & c (b & c) < d`.
Thank you Tristan!
Hello, Nice Blog. I want to know how to handle categorical Features/Labels in MLlib. For example I want to do classification on IRIS data. Can you please tell me how to do it
Hi Ajay,
Categorical labels (like the ones found in the Iris dataset) in Spark MLlib have to be encoded as Double. See the useful discussion in this Stack Overflow question:
Moreover, in the Iris case (where we have more than 2 classes), you have to use multinomial regression, as I explain and demonstrate here:
The starting point is to convert the data in LabeledPoints. You can find useful hints in the documentation:
Hope this helps…
Hi, Thanks for sharing the stuff. Yes you are right. to convert features/labels from categorical to Numeric it requires OneHotEncoder, StringIndexer. But I didnt got any source how to do it in Pyspark. What I did is import os from pyspark import SparkContext from pyspark.mllib.regression import LabeledPoint from pyspark.mllib.linalg import DenseVector os.environ[\”SPARK_HOME\”] = \”/home/ajadhav/Documents/spark-1.6.0-bin-hadoop2.6\” sc = SparkContext() documents = sc.textFile(\”/media/ajadhav/New Volume/Downloads/iris.csv\”) csv_data = x: x.split(\”,\”)) header = csv_data.first() csv_data = csv_data.filter(lambda x: x!= header) a = x: LabeledPoint(x[4], DenseVector(x[1:4]))) print a.first() >>>(0.2,[5.1,3.5,1.4]) But If i take categorical label a = x: LabeledPoint(x[5], DenseVector(x[1:4]))) print a.first() ValueError: could… Read more »
Hey, I implemented your suggestions. It works for me. Thanks a lot. Keep posting. I like it very much. Nice. 1 thing i want to ask I ran my code in which i used it works fine on Terminal where I stated terminal using command ./ pyspark –packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.10:1.2.0. But i tried same code on Eclipse Pydev also on Spyder. its not working because of error py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o21.load. : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Failed to find data source: com.databricks.spark.csv. Please find packages at Can you tell me how to add this repository to Eclipse or tell… Read more »
Nice question! I needed some research, since I don\’t use IDEs, but here is a quick solution: 1) Locate the paths of spark-csv_2.10-1.3.0.jar and commons-csv-1.1.jar (its dependency). For me (user ctsats), they are at /home/ctsats/.ivy2/cache/com.databricks/spark-csv_2.10/jars/spark-csv_2.10-1.3.0.jar /home/ctsats/.ivy2/cache/org.apache.commons/commons-csv/jars/commons-csv-1.1.jar 2) Open spark-defaults.conf file (in $SPARK_HOME/conf – create it if does not exist), and add the following line: spark.driver.extraClassPath /home/ctsats/.ivy2/cache/com.databricks/spark-csv_2.10/jars/spark-csv_2.10-1.3.0.jar:/home/ctsats/.ivy2/cache/org.apache.commons/commons-csv/jars/commons-csv-1.1.jar and you should be done! Notice also that, if you modify spark-defaults.conf like that, the spark-csv package will be automatically loaded whenever you invoke pyspark or spark-submit, i.e. you will no more need to include the –packages argument when launching pyspark I will include… Read more »
Cooool. It works for me.
Just Added
spark.driver.extraClassPath /home/ajadhav/.ivy2/cache/com.databricks/spark-csv_2.10/jars/spark-csv_2.10-1.2.0.jar:/home/ajadhav/.ivy2/cache/org.apache.commons/commons-csv/jars/commons-csv-1.1.jar
this command in spark-defaults.conf file. Thanks a lot. Thank you very much. No need to 1st step. Just edited spark-defaults.conf file.
1 more question.
For now My Response variable is at 6th position (Last Column)
So my syntax for Label Point is
parsedData = x: LabeledPoint(x[6], DenseVector(x[1:5])))
But what if my response variable is at 3rd column. and my features are column number 1,2,4,5,6
parsedData = x: LabeledPoint(x[3], DenseVector(x[? ?])))
How to do this ?????
Thanks in advance
Hi, I am facing same issue as
Failed to find data source: com.databricks.spark.csv. Please find packages at
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.databricks.spark.csv.DefaultSource
when i ran below :
ubuntu > spark-submit –class AutoSchemaDiscovery –master local[*] /home/user/IdeaProjects/SchemaAutoDiscover/target/scala-2.10/schemaautodiscover_2.10-1.0.jar
I added below in spark-defaults.conf file:
spark.driver.extraClassPath /home/user/.ivy2/cache/com.databricks/spark-csv_2.10/spark-csv_2.10-1.4.0.jar:/home/user/.ivy2/cache/org.apache.commons/commons-csv/commons-csv-1.1.jar
still i am getting same error. after adding that, should i need to do any thing. kindly,please tell me . do you have any other post regarding this.
Have you checked that the 2 jars actually exist in their specified places?
For the above solution to work, these 2 jars must have been downloaded first. To do so, run your spark-submit job with the extra argument –packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.10:1.4.0 . This will automatically download the spark-csv & commons-csv jars and put them in the appropriate directory; after that, for subsequent runs, you may omit the –packages argument (provided that you have added the relevant entries in the spark-defaults.conf file, as you have done already).
Let me know if this worked for you.
Thanks for reply. i have tried this “spark-submit…–packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.10:1.4.0” at first, which works fine. But, with out this argument –packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.10:1.4.0, its not working. then , i found your comment. as you mentioned, in 1st point, i checked that jar locations . i found that jars : spark-csv_2.10-1.4.0.jar & commons-csv-1.1.jar. As per 2nd point, i added in spark-defaults.conf file. but, it is not working in my case(using Scala 2.10, SBT 0.13.11, Spark 1.6.1). when i did ‘spark-submit’ with that –package argument , i found one more dependency called “com.univocity#univocity-parsers;1.5.1”. i added that also to spark-defaults.conf file. but not working. i… Read more »
Thanks for this tutorial. It has worked for me very well. I have one question though. Each entry of one of the columns of my CSV file has multiple lines, and the csv reader assumes them as different rows. I would like to know how I can read multiple lines as single column element. Any suggestion?
Its working properly here this is my csv file having 2 columns ID Subject 1 Thanks for this tutorial. It has worked for me very well. 2 I have one question though. Each entry of one of the columns of my CSV file has multiple lines 3 and the csv reader assumes them as different rows. I would like to know how I can read multiple lines as single >>> from pyspark.sql import SQLContext >>> from pyspark.sql.types import * >>> sqlContext = SQLContext(sc) >>> df =‘com.databricks.spark.csv’).options(header=’true’).load(‘/home/ajadhav/Desktop/temp.csv’) >>> +—+——————–+ | ID| Subject| +—+——————–+ | 1|Thanks for this t…| |… Read more »
Thank you for your reply! My problem is not a single data spanning multiple lines though, but it is a data of a single column with newline characters. Can you suggest a fix for that?
Well, thanks ebisa for your comment and Ajay for the fast reply!
if possible send me your csv file or duplicate file on my mail id.
I will try on that
Thanks Ajay for your offer. I have done some preprocessing on my CSV files to remove the new lines in each column element. Thanks again!
I have the same issue! One of my fields has multiple new line characters in it
I am giving below an example of one row:
Field1 | Field2 | Field3 | “String1 \n String2 \n String3”
So, the contents from Field1 to String1 are considered to be one row, String2 is considered as another row and String3 is considered as another row.
Is there any way to imply that one of the fields has new line characters in it?
[…] blog DataFrame Spark 1.5 from csv file – NodalPoint encourage to use the spark-csv library from […]
Thank you for your nice blog! I would like to receive your help. I am using cloudera VM 5.10, Spark 1.6.0 Python 3.5.1 and am trying to do this exercise using the jupyter notebook.
It turns out that the command df = (‘file: ///home/cloudera/Downloads/nyctaxisub.csv’,format=’com.databricks.spark.csv’, header = ‘true’, inferSchema = ‘ True
This error is displayed in the jupyter notebook, however the prompt cloudera works perfectly well.
I already researched and could not get any tips that mention some kind of configuration for the jupyter notebook.
Congratulations for the post.
Thank you very much in advance.
Hi Paulo,
Thanks for your nice words. You do not include the actual error message, so there is little I can do. In any case, I suggest opening a question at Stack Overflow, where I maintain an account and I answer Spark questions frequently.
Please can someone guess with me why this error “Path does not exist: file:/home/vagrant/data/nyctaxisub.csv;'” where can i find this file
Hi jlayel,
The link to download the file is given at the end of the first paragraph, but here it is again:
You need to unzip it, and use the
file location instead of thefile:///home/vagrant/data/nyctaxisub.csv
used in the text (this was the location in my case).Thank you for the post. Helped a lot.
You are very welcome, Thanassis